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P-20 Careers helps career seekers find their dream careers, and employers discover the best talent.
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Search through the largest database of P-20 education professionals to fill even the most difficult positions in record time.
Find a Career Fast
Set up your profile and resume in minutes, apply to positions with ease, see where you are along the application process, follow up with employers, and let recruiters find you fast.
Career Seeker FAQ's
Career Seekers can manage their candidate profiles and their career search simply by hovering over the “My Account” button in the upper right corner of any page. Doing so will reveal a range of options.
Search for your dream career by clicking on the “Career Search” button located on the main menu.
Click on the “Employer Search” button located on the main menu to search our database of companies and organizations actively seeking to hire qualified education professionals.
If you need assistance, call us at (601) 630-5238 send an email to advocatefored@gmail.com.
Employer FAQ's
Employers can manage their position posts and the entire hiring process simply by hovering over the “My Account” button in the upper right corner of any page. Doing so will reveal a range of options.
Post a position by hovering over the “My Account” button. This reveals several buttons, one of which is “Post a New Job.” You can also click on “Post New Position” under our “New? Start Here” main menu option, or under “For Employers” in our footer menu.
Click on the “Candidate Search” button located on the main menu to search our database of education professionals who are actively seeking career advancement in the education sector.
If you need assistance, call us at (601) 630-5238 send an email to advocatefored@gmail.com.