18 Inspiring Presidents’ Day Videos To Share With Your Students

President’s Day is a great opportunity for teachers to educate their students about the importance of leadership and democracy. To help you with that, I have compiled a list of 18 inspiring President’s Day videos that you can share with your students:

1. “The Story of George Washington” – A captivating animated video that tells the story of America’s first president and his role in shaping the nation.

2. “Abraham Lincoln: A New Birth of Freedom” – This video explores the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln, highlighting his efforts to preserve the Union and abolish slavery.

3. “Theodore Roosevelt: The Conservation President” – Learn about President Theodore Roosevelt’s significant contributions to wildlife conservation and environmental protection.

4. “FDR and the New Deal” – Discover how President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies helped the United States recover from the Great Depression.

5. “John F. Kennedy: The Space President” – This video explores President Kennedy’s dream of putting a man on the moon and the impact of his vision on the nation.

6. “Ronald Reagan: Tear Down This Wall” – Explore President Ronald Reagan’s famous speech challenging the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall.

7. “Barack Obama: Yes We Can” – Relive President Obama’s historic election and his message of hope and change.

8. “Woodrow Wilson and World War I” – Learn about President Woodrow Wilson’s leadership during World War I and his efforts to establish the League of Nations.

9. “Thomas Jefferson: A Man of Ideas” – Discover the ideas and philosophies that shaped President Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and the United States.

10. “Harry S. Truman: The Man of Decision” – This video highlights President Truman’s tough decisions during his presidency, including the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan.

11. “George H.W. Bush: A Time of Change” – Explore President George H.W. Bush’s presidency, including his leadership during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Gulf War.

12. “Jimmy Carter: Man from Plains” – Learn about President Jimmy Carter’s humanitarian efforts and his post-presidential work.

13. “Dwight D. Eisenhower: Supreme Commander” – This video explores President Eisenhower’s leadership during World War II and his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.

14. “Bill Clinton: Bridge to the 21st Century” – Relive President Clinton’s presidency and his efforts to bridge the gap between the 20th and 21st centuries.

15. “Lyndon B. Johnson: The Great Society” – Learn about President Johnson’s domestic policies and his vision for a “Great Society” in America.

16. “Richard Nixon: Watergate and Resignation” – Explore President Nixon’s presidency, including the Watergate scandal that led to his resignation.

17. “Gerald Ford: Healing a Nation” – This video highlights President Ford’s efforts to heal the nation after the turmoil of the Watergate scandal.

18. “Chester A. Arthur: The Unexpected President” – Learn about President Arthur’s unexpected rise to the presidency and his efforts to reform the civil service.

These videos can serve as a valuable educational resource, allowing your students to learn about the achievements, challenges, and leadership styles of the presidents who have shaped America. Happy President’s Day!