20 Tips For Setting Up an Inspired, Organized Classroom Library

  1. Define your purpose: Determine the goals and objectives for your classroom library.
  2. Assess your space: Evaluate the available space and determine the best location for your library.
  3. Categorize books: Organize books into categories or genres for easy browsing.
  4. Use labels: Label each bookshelf or book bin with the appropriate category or genre.
  5. Arrange books by level: Separate books by reading level to assist students in choosing appropriate books.
  6. Consider themes: Incorporate themed sections in your library to encourage reading different genres.
  7. Create cozy reading areas: Set up comfortable seating options within your library space.
  8. Incorporate flexible seating: Provide a variety of seating options to accommodate different learning preferences.
  9. Include a reading corner: Create a dedicated area with soft seating for students to relax and read.
  10. Utilize book bins: Use clear plastic bins or baskets to store and display books within each category.
  11. Consider book covers: Display book covers facing outwards to capture students’ attention.
  12. Incorporate book recommendations: Display student or teacher book recommendations to foster interest in certain titles.
  13. Utilize bookends: Use bookends to keep books neat and organized on shelves.
  14. Keep popular books accessible: Place frequently borrowed books in easily accessible locations.
  15. Provide book return bins: Establish designated bins for students to return borrowed books.
  16. Regularly rotate books: Keep the library fresh by rotating books and introducing new titles periodically.
  17. Create a checkout system: Implement a simple checkout system for students to borrow books.
  18. Involve students: Encourage student involvement in the organization and maintenance of the library.
  19. Include diverse literature: Ensure your library offers a diverse range of books that represent different backgrounds and perspectives.
  20. Incorporate technology: Integrate digital resources, such as e-books or audiobooks, into your classroom library for additional reading options.