21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids

1. Sesame Street: Racism Explained

– This video from Sesame Street explains racism in a simple and age-appropriate way, helping kids understand the importance of equality and acceptance.

2. CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall: Standing Up to Racism

– In this town hall discussion, characters from Sesame Street and experts from CNN discuss racism, teaching children how they can stand up against it.

3. PBS Kids: The Power of We

– This PBS Kids video highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion, encouraging kids to embrace each other’s differences and unite as a community.

4. Kid President: A Message to Racists

– Kid President delivers a powerful message against racism, inspiring kids to treat everyone with kindness, respect, and understanding.

5. BraveHeart: Featuring Dr. Howard Stevenson

– This video features Dr. Howard Stevenson’s BraveHeart program, which focuses on teaching children about racial trauma and healing.

6. The Conscious Kid: How to Talk to Kids About Race

– The Conscious Kid provides guidance on how parents and educators can engage in open conversations with kids about race and address any questions or concerns they may have.

7. StoryBots: Celebrate Differences

– This animated video from StoryBots celebrates diversity and encourages kids to embrace and appreciate differences in themselves and others.

8. Common Sense Media: How to Talk to Your Kids About Race

– Common Sense Media offers tips and advice on how parents can have meaningful conversations with their kids about race, promoting empathy and understanding.

9. TED-Ed: Racism Explained to My Daughter

– In this TED-Ed lesson, Antoine Hamilton shares his personal experience of explaining racism to his daughter, providing valuable insights for kids and parents.

10. National Geographic Kids: Racism Explained for Kids

– National Geographic Kids presents an informative video that sheds light on racism and encourages young viewers to stand up against discrimination.

11. Franchesca Ramsey: Racism Explained in 9 Minutes

– Franchesca Ramsey breaks down racism in an engaging and concise video, helping kids comprehend the concept and taking steps to combat it.

12. Sesame Street: We’re Different, We’re the Same

– This Sesame Street video teaches kids that while we may look different on the outside, we are all the same on the inside, fostering inclusivity and acceptance.

13. BrainPOP: Tolerance and Intolerance

– BrainPOP explores the concepts of tolerance and intolerance, demonstrating how to embrace differences and create an inclusive society.

14. The Rice and Rocks Project: The Colors We See

– The Rice and Rocks Project highlights the diverse colors and cultures in our world, promoting understanding and appreciation for one another.

15. Crash Course Kids: Disrupting Racism

– Crash Course Kids provides an educational video on disrupting racism, offering helpful strategies for kids to be advocates for equality.

16. TED-Ed: Why Do People Discriminate?

– This TED-Ed lesson delves into the reasons behind discrimination and empowers kids with knowledge to challenge and dismantle it.

17. Brave New Voices: “Racism Is Real”

– Brave New Voices presents a powerful spoken word performance that addresses the reality of racism and the importance of speaking out against it.

18. StoryCorps: My Name Is Robert

– In this StoryCorps video, Robert shares his experience of growing up with a “white-sounding” name as a person of color, highlighting the impact of stereotypes.

19. DIY: How to Make a Diversity Wheel

– This DIY tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on creating a diversity wheel, encouraging kids to celebrate diversity and embrace differences.

20. Scholastic: Racism and Civil Rights

– Scholastic offers an educational video that explores the history of racism and the fight for civil rights, empowering kids with knowledge.

21. Sesame Street: The Power of We

– Sesame Street brings together a diverse group of kids and Muppets to sing about the power of unity, spreading an important message of acceptance and inclusion.