Addressing Racism in Higher Education

Universities across America often stem from notorious backgrounds. Some even have a racist history. You wouldn’t believe that could be true, especially since most American universities practice inclusion and equal opportunities for all. Unfortunately, notorious racial groups, including slave owners and KKK leaders helped to establish some of the finest learning institutes in America. 

The Declaration of Independence states everyone is created equal, and that means there is no room for racism in society. Of course, racism still exists, and it’s often an uncomfortable topic to discuss. That, however, doesn’t mean racism should be ignored. So, how can you address racism in higher education?

Speak Out Against Aggression 

A person’s dysfunctional behavior can have repercussions on those they take their anger out on. Micro-aggression and insensitivity are signs of discrimination and you must put a stop to them. Whether you’re an educator or student, whenever there is micro-aggression, speak out because that is the only way to put a stop to racism. 

Better Training is Required

Racism and discrimination exist because of ignorance; however, it isn’t just the students that need to understand inclusion. Educators must understand what equality for all means. Mandatory sensitivity training is a necessity for universities faculty members as it can ensure all professors and employees understand racism. It might help address and prevent it from becoming an issue. 

Secondly, people must self-advocate. This means speaking up for themselves and their victims. Whenever someone experiences racism or sees it, they should speak up, it is the only way to stamp out racism in higher education. 

Society is not going to progress until all forms of discrimination are gone. 

Talk About Racism

The Transforming Community Project at Emory University has tackled the issue of racism head-on. It has difficult conversations and addresses racism and discrimination. That is what all higher education schools must do. They need to have discussions about diversity, racism, and discrimination and make sure everyone understands the negative impact it has. 

Group Discussions

Let’s be honest, racism comes in many forms, and sometimes it is born out of ignorance. So, it is necessary to try and address those problems head-on. For example, those who genuinely don’t realize they discriminate against others, need to be educated. Victims of discrimination and racism should take the lead in group discussions and relay their stories. 

It could make some people understand life through the eyes of another and may make them understand what they’ve been doing. Even if the discussion changes the mindset of one person, it’s progress. More schools need to have these discussions because sometimes, the student has been influenced by the adults around them. Allowing them to see racism from a different angle might make them realize how important equality is. 

Act Now

Racism is an uncomfortable subject to discuss but it’s important to talk about it. Whenever you see or hear racism, call it out and stamp it out. Schools must do more to remove discrimination and racism from their campuses. It’s important to discuss the issues and show the impact racism has on real people.